Saturday, November 25, 2006

When I was 13 years old, my father died. I came home from school, the day Christmas break started and could tell by the looks on everyone's faces that he was gone. Because of that experience, I have an irrational fear that each time I see someone I love, it will be the last.
My husband and daughter know that if they don't say good-bye, look me in the eyes, and let me tell them how much I love them whenver they are going out the door, I will worry and panic. It's been 30 years, and still I live this way everyday.
The possibility of death is so much closer to me now that my daughter is doing drugs. It could be as simple as a car accident while driving high, or heart damage from cocaine; one unfortunate night with ecstasy. I worry about her constantly, and at the same time prepare myself that if it happens, I have done everything I can to help her.
Today we had our first Intensive Outpatient Program session. It is for four weeks, three times a week and three hours at a time. I learned today that up until three weeks ago my daughter was doing coke every day, so I was right to be concerned and want to get her into treatment. She still doesn't get it. She thinks it's no big deal and everyone does it. She looks thin and scraggly and unhealthy. The counselor said she's in denial, thinking she can handle it and believing she's smart enough to stay safe while doing drugs.
I have a glimmer of hope that this might help. The counselor was very straightforward and didn't let her talk her way out of anything, like she can do so often with others. He made her face some facts, and she has agreed to continue mostly because I pay for a cell phone and car insurance that will stop if she stops. But I did see a little fear in her eyes and know that somewhere in there she might be ready for a change.
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Your instincts were right after all. Good luck with the therapy. A good counselor/doctor can make a real difference if she wants to begin to change her life. It's so sad to see that this has happened to another young person. I don't know but everything I say sounds wrong. I just know how hard it is to reach a person when they think they are in control of their life and they don't realize that the drugs/alcohol is really what's doing it.
Good job taking her in for the counseling. I know some of these couselors and they take no bullshit because they've seen every lie and denial that exists.
I hope it gets through to her.
I hope it gets through to her.
It is so hard to see beyond the "junk" when kids get into something that can hurt them. The fear of the lies and the sleepless nights can loom like a dark cloud.
I pray for you for I have a 16 almost 17 year old daughter as well. I pray for both you and your daughter to have the eyes to see what the truth is...
I pray that you and your daughter are wrapped up in the safety net of God's arms and that you will see this through to a good end.
I have held on to the scripture which says "for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for good and not for give you a hope and a future".
May you rest today!
I pray for you for I have a 16 almost 17 year old daughter as well. I pray for both you and your daughter to have the eyes to see what the truth is...
I pray that you and your daughter are wrapped up in the safety net of God's arms and that you will see this through to a good end.
I have held on to the scripture which says "for I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for good and not for give you a hope and a future".
May you rest today!
Hi Mrs. Cleaver,
I'm not sure if my last comment went through. The computer hic-upped.
I'll be thinking you you and keeping you in my prayers. We are on a similar road with my 19 year old son who discovered pot one and a half years ago, and he has ADD also. This road is hard! Take care...
I'm not sure if my last comment went through. The computer hic-upped.
I'll be thinking you you and keeping you in my prayers. We are on a similar road with my 19 year old son who discovered pot one and a half years ago, and he has ADD also. This road is hard! Take care...
I just added my prayer to those that have been sent already. May God's Perfect Will be done in both your lives!!!
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