Sunday, October 08, 2006

If you are ever suicidal DO NOT search for a mental health professional. It will drive you over the edge for good.
In our experience, it will be their day off, their vacation or lunch hour when you call. You will either need to meet with or speak to an intake person first in a social service agency or play telephone tag with someone in private practice. Since they all keep their own schedules, they seem to find it unnecessary to have additional office help.
You will wait an average of 4 weeks to get an appointment, spill your gut-wrenching history at the first appointment and then wait another three weeks before you can be seen regularly in their full schedule.
If you think antidepressants might help, they can only be prescribed by a Psychiatrist or licensed Physician, however neither have time to counsel you or diagnose you in their 15-minute time slots. Those are reserved for med checks. You must be referred by a Psychologist or Social Worker after a few appointments with them. If you do get that referral, be prepared to start the appointment process all over again.
We are still in the finding-the-right-counselor phase.